Why I Marched
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This is why Unicorns are my favorite animal of all time! |
The Musing of a Patriarchy Smashing, Veggie eating, board gaming, bookworm and animal lover extraordinaire! Look out for new posts every Tuesday!
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This is why Unicorns are my favorite animal of all time! |
Years ago my Uncle took off the garage door with the intention of fixing it and putting it back up. My mom got sick and the fixing didn't end up happening. So this spring, I decided that I would assess the damage and see if it was savable. But first I had to FIND the garage door which was harder than you might think. Turned out to be propped against the side of the garage, folded up. When I tried to pull back the door to lay it out I saw something behind it come toddling at me. My first thought was "Oh bunny!!!!" followed very quickly by "Oh shit! POSSUM!!!!!!!!!" I then jumped backwards about 10-15 feet while screaming in a dignified manner. According to google possums do not like moth balls and I, luckily, happen to horde them. (I'm not a little old lady, I just don't like snakes). I then went back up my backyard armed with two boxes of moth balls and tried to do my best impersonation of a person with good aim.
Several times this summer snakes decided to slither on by me and whenever this happened I screamed and ran away doing high knees. Why? Three reasons. 1) Harder to bite someone who is basically attempting to fly. 2) I cling to the delusion that my neighbors will not think I am some scaredy-cat but rather am enjoying a new, if not annoying, exercise trend. 3) As I found out the last time a snake slithered my way, my screams, scare them and they *sometimes* slither away like "oh hell no lady!" Side note: that snake is the only snake I have ever thought of fondly. I hope the snake is doing well, far, far away from me.
This summer squirrels managed to get into my attic. This is obviously bad news. Now you may be thinking "Hey don't you have three cats that you prattle on about all the time? Why not just release them into the attic and let them get their murder on? *DUN DUN DUN*" Well you my psychotic blood thirsty reader must understand that I have a great fear of my cats getting stuck in the walls, calling out to me with their sad little meows, as I struggle to find them and they die a sad, terrible death. Yes, I am that pet mom. Back off. After again googling I found that there were some things I could do fairly easily to get these suckers to leave. The most interesting idea was to spread predator urine around but seeing as it was July and I as a general rule of thumb don't want urine anywhere but it a toilet or a litter box, I tossed that idea straight away. Fun fact though, you can buy predator urine on the internet. Makes it easier than going to your local coyote with a jar and saying "fill er up!" The option I did go with was taking apple cider vinegar and soaking rags in it and leaving them around the room. Google, in all of its wisdom, said to allow 48 hours for the squirrels to vacate and check. Now let me tell you, carrying that bucket of apple cider vinegar soaked rags up the stairs to the attic almost made me pass out and vomit at the same time so I can see why the squirrels decided on finding a new summer home. But heads up it worked and was super cheap!
And last but not least this annoying gem. As you should have surmised by now, I live in the woods. Deer wonder through my yard all the time, which I love. They are especially clingy this time of year since it is hunting season and it's Pennsylvania. This proves to me that they are intelligent creatures since they have figured out they can't be shot at around houses. But deer aren't the only large animals that like to peruse my yard and driveway. One morning, as I was about to walk out and go to work, I found my garbage can (which is on wheels due to its size) tipped over and garbage dragged halfway down my yard. Damn bears! Scurrying out to pick up the filth which I had hoped to never see again, I was glad to see the bears were smart enough to stop at the cat litter and left that bag and everything under it alone and in the trash. Since then, I always put the litter trash on top of the rest of it. No more bear mess since that.
That is all for now folks, I hope you have gleamed some slightly useful information and if not hopefully my terror at least gave you a chuckle.
After a week almost now of digesting that our new President is someone who enjoys "grabbing [women] by the pussy" I feel as though there is little left to be said on the matter. I considered not writing about this matter at all because I am not sure there is anything I uniquely contribute to this conversation, but I decided it would be slight to what my original purpose for this blog was for, a place for my feminist roar. And perhaps, you my dear reader, are a big Trump supporter and I am the only voice you know that reflects what so many are feeling in our country now. In not writing about the election results I may be doing a disservice, but most likely, I am just tooting my own horn. But either way, here it is.
I was, and am, with Her. I've loved and looked up to Hillary Clinton since I was a little girl. She put up a good fight and indeed, at the time of this writing, won the popular vote with ever growing numbers. However, the electoral college, which we have to thank for George W. Bush, has seemingly delivered us Donald Trump. Since learning of the electoral college in high school I have been deeply against it. Much like my teachers I believe that it has long out lived its purpose. Most of the United States population who were eligible to vote when it was originally created were illiterate and news was not an easy thing to come by in a timely manner. So having electorates made sense. Now also mind you these people, being that they were educated most likely were of higher classes as well. Fast forward to modern times, we now have a population that is the most well educated the world has ever seen. And these educated people, having taken civics or US history know of the electoral college and I deeply believe that is why only about half the eligible voters in this country vote, because the other half thinks their votes do not matter. Also this whole "well the electoral college was made because if we didn't have it then cities like New York and L.A. would basically pick our next president" is a bunch of hoo ha. One, I have NEVER heard this theory mentioned until Trump won the electoral college. What I believe it stems from is the fear from small states that their votes wouldn't matter as much as compared to larger ones when our government was forming. At the time, small states were ones like Delaware and the large states were ones like PA and New York. However, in the electoral college small states still have a lesser number of votes. Any nation that fails to grow and change with the times does eventually fall. Our founding fathers knew that which is why they allowed for amendments to the constitution. I love America. I do not wish to see her dismantled.
Onto the protests....
Protesting is a right that is guaranteed to us and is something that sets us apart from many other nations. I am referring to PROTESTS not riots. Rioting and violence is no way to get a point across. The message is actually completely lost in rioting. Also I am not a fan of desecrating the flag or setting stuff on fire. Once fire is in the equation some people tend to get crazy. And desecrating the flag is not only in poor taste, but the flag represents everyone who has died for your freedom, for those who never receive their loved one home but merely that piece of cloth. Their is no need to dishonor them. Whatever point you are trying to make can be made better by some banner, t-shirt or catchy phrase.
Those protesting are not crybabies. They are here to show solidarity with those who have been targeted in this election; mainly, people of color, women, LGBTQ persons, disabled persons and prisoners of war. The protests are also a strong warning to president elect Trump and Mike Pense that we will be watching you. We are not afraid. And we will fight you ever step of the way and we are prepared to fight. We are a generation that had to sit through eight years of George W. Bush, unable to do anything due to our age(and God how do I miss him now). Millennials voted Hillary pretty straight across the board. For once, I am proud to say I am part of that generation.
Trump supporters are not all racist, sexist, homophobic dumb dumbs. Some are lifelong republicans that refuse to break party lines, some hated Hillary and decided not to vote third party (oh how I wish you had), maybe you were worried they were coming for your guns or maybe you were slammed with false news articles. As for anyone reading the news please, please fact check. Mainly the only way you could get something straight this election was if you watched the full interviews or debates of anyone talking. NOT CLIPS. Clips on both sides were spliced together. This was the year of misinformation if nothing else. The big thing that upsets all the people who fall into the categories of people of color, women, LGBTQ persons, disabled persons ect thar are out protesting, or in need of emotional support, is not so much that someone they don't like will be president. It's not even that we think you are racist, sexist, homophobic jerks. It's that for our friends, family members and neighbors Trump and Pence's stances on those issues wasn't a breaking point for you. Someone who brags about sexually assaulting women didn't make you stand up and say "No. You do not get my vote." Someone who is okay with conversion therapy and discriminating against LGBTQ persons in general you did not stand up and say "No. You do not have my vote." Someone who thinks it is okay to discriminate based on race and religion you didn't say "No. You do not have my vote." Someone who openly mocks the disabled you did not say "No. You do not have my vote." What you said was "Well I don't agree with all of his views." No one agrees with all of anyone's views so thank you for stating the obvious. What the issue we have is, the above mentioned things and then some, did not cross a line for you. Perhaps because it wasn't directed at someone you know, yet. But the reason there is now a spike in hate crime in this country is because of you not standing up and saying "No! You do not have my vote." Instead you said, none of this crosses a line for me and is therefore, in some way, acceptable. And in the process sent a clear message to those that harbor those racist, sexist, homophobic beliefs: This behavior and these beliefs are acceptable. I know you didn't mean for that to be the message. I know you are probably furious with me as you read this (if you have made it this far). And I know you probably are denying all of this. But it is what it is. This is my opinion. I do not love you any less. My heart just hurts. It hurts as I think of all those who are being attacked, of those who are now living in fear and for America. And while I believe we as a nation will "survive" a Trump presidency, I worry about those Americans who won't.