Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Life Overhaul

In the past month, while I have not been updating this blog, I have moved, started a new job and run my first half marathon as well as started a new romantic relationship. 2014 has been a year of change for me and all positive changes. This has been a rather exciting and crazy time in my life, especially since with my new job I can now  take classes for free. I love learning. I always have. My desire to constantly be learning, for life not to be stagnate is something that I can recall feeling for my entire life.

I started school when I was four years old. My mother enrolled me early in Kindergarten because whenever I would see a school bus go by I would start to cry. This was not solely based on a desire to learn. I also wanted to make friends and I knew that kids made friends at school. To say that I am a social person would probably be an understatement. I love people. I believe that all people have the potential to be good. This amazes most people when they realize that I have worked with anti human trafficking organizations as well as with parents who by no means should have children. I have seen some of the worst parts of humanity and I still believe that people, as a whole, are good. It is this belief and my social personality that have found me at my current job. I work enrolling students in school who otherwise may not be able to attain an education. Talking to people who want to better themselves or provide a better life for their families makes talking to the people who want to rip my head off over the phone worth it.

My new apartment still doesn't have internet. We are paying for internet but there is something with the modem or router that is not allowing us to connect. I let my roommate handle that, since that's what her degree is in. We have a deal: I don't touch that technology and she doesn't touch the plants. Usually this agreement allows both the flourish and go about their natural functions.

Running the half marathon was a new experience to say the least. About 3 years ago I injured my knee bad enough that it landed me in physical therapy for 3 months. They told me then that running was a thing of my past, as well as yoga and other things that I loved. I decided I wasn't going to settle for that answer. I was 24 at the time and the idea of being told "no you can't ___ anymore" was not something I was going to be satisfied with. It took me years to build up the strength in my knee but I found when I started to run and do kickboxing the pain I felt in my knee all but disappeared completely. I no longer even feel the need to wear my knee brace. This is not to say that everyone should follow my example. All injuries are different. I also had a chiropractor who told me that my plans were definitely doable. And I will admit I was one of the last 500 people to finish race but I did finish. And I have a sweet ass medal to prove it.

Change is scary. But I have never felt better mentally, physically and emotionally in my life. I regret nothing I have done this year. And I look forward to conquering new challenges that come my way!

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