Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Competitive Book Club

Back at the end of last year, some of my really good friends and I came up with the idea for competitive book club. Here is how it works. We all came up with a list of books we wanted to read this year and we are not reading the same books at the same time. There is a point system based on how many pages you read and you can earn points by reading books others have read and recommended at the monthly meetings. Also if someone reads a book you reviewed you get points for that as well. Now all the books that we are reading have to be first time reads. The person who reads the most per season gets to pick a book that the rest of us have to read by the next season. At the end of the year we are all getting t-shirts with a list of our books that we read on them. The winner does not have to pay for theirs. Obviously this works a lot on the honor system.

For the first two months I was reading like crazy. Now however, I am barely reading. This is due to my schedule change(working 230-11pm) will mess up your schedule. And if I am being honest, most of my reading was done at night before bed and I no longer do that. I am sure to keep reading, usually at work in between calls at night when I'm not working on school work. I have to say that through this book club I have read books that I never would have. And it has pushed me to keep reading even when I really would prefer to watch youtube videos that would drain my brain. I believe firmly that the brain is like any other muscle and if you do not exercise it, you will lose it. That is actually how working on this blog came about. One of the same friends who started C.B.C. also has a blog Does the Poet Choose to Be a Boat?, which I enjoy reading weekly. And through talking with Laurel I decided that it would be to my benefit to start a blog, because lord knows I have enough opinions and a frequent need to share them.  

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