Sunday, March 23, 2014


**First let me apologize. I had set this blog to automatically post last Sunday since I was having guests from out of state over all weekend. Obviously this failed. And I will not be doing so again. To make up for this, this week I am posting two blogs! Yay!

For those who do not know me, I have very curly hair. My hair can be very difficult to manage because along with these beautiful corkscrew curls come the ever evil frizz. I am always researching on what I can do for my hair to make it hate me less. I have talked to other women with curly hair and they have a similar problem with haircare products. I can't keep using the same product in my hair for too long (shampoo, conditioner, mouse, you name it) because my hair seems to one day hate it and go completely flat, get greasy or frizz like a mofo. In my readings I came across a newish movement called "shampooless". I looked into this because it seemed odd at best and gross at the worst.

The basic idea behind shampooless is that you replace your shampoo with a mixture of warm water and baking soda and you replace your conditioner with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water. Along with shampooless being good for the environment(absolutely no animal testing, no chemicals and you use less plastic) it is also very good for your scalp and hair. The blogs/articles I read all warned that you wouldn't see results in the first week and that finding the right mixture for your hair can take a little while. I was very luckily because my hair instantly loved this. I saw a mass reduction in frizz in a week. My scalp is healthier and while I still use hair mouse some days I do not need to use nearly as much. 

Wanna Try? Checkout this bloggers tips and instructions

I've been shampooless for nearly two months now and I love it, as does my hair. I highly recommend giving it a whirl especially if you have hard to manage hair!


  1. I thought your hair looked particularly shiny!

  2. Thanks Laurel! You're officially my first comment♡

  3. Thanks Sabina - you are an inspiration and I am looking forward to going shampooless!! So glad for your suggestion and encouragement!! Toby

  4. Aw thanks!! So glad that you're reading my blog<3
